This morning I heard delicate, papery crackles above me. In the tall fir trees, little birds are eating the seeds from thousands of drying pine cones. Last week a couple deer jumped the fence and took nibbles from damn-near everything. I can’t blame them. It’s spring, abundance is coming rapidly, and everyone wants a snack. I know I do! I bet you do, too. Keep reading, and I’ll share how to take a big bite out of May, including an exciting event with raffle prizes later this month (bottom of email).

It’s time to plant! Mother’s Day is the traditional start of the planting season in Tacoma, and I’ve been busy keeping pace. This past month I built five raised beds, which I’ve filled with kale, beets, beans, lettuce, potatoes, peppers, bok choy, and spinach. Up next? Tomatoes, tomatillos, herbs, and lots of flowers! Want to watch as the garden grows and blooms? Follow me on the social platforms below for garden and real estate updates all year long. I’d love to see your own joys and wins this month.

I learned a lot from my first experience building raised garden beds, but the biggest lesson by far: TIMBER IS EXPENSIVE! It’s clear we need more renewable building materials. Luckily, organizations around the world are working to do just that, such as this university that 3-D prints blocks made from recycled materials, this company that makes hemp-based insulation and concrete, and this resource for sustainable home improvement. How can you include sustainability in your spring home projects? For Seattle/Tacoma residents, check out Second Use salvage, or check out your local thrift store for second-hand décor and supplies.

Did you know? The average time on market for a home listed in Tacoma was 7 days in April. And the average selling price? 106% of the listing price. (Data source: Trendgraphix.) We are living through a remarkable and intense real estate market that’s hard to track. But I’m here to help you, with insight and data to keep you informed. Click below to download Coldwell Banker Bain’s South Sound Q1 Market Report.

Let's make a difference this month. Join me Sunday, May 23rd for a planting party to rejuvenate the Pt. Defiance Herb Garden. Prizes included!
I know, I’m excited too. I’ve been working with Metro Parks Tacoma to rejuvenate the herb garden at Point Defiance Park. On Sunday the 23rd, we’re inviting the community to donate their herbs and planting skills to make something special for us all to share. I will also be holding a garden-prize raffle. Attendees will receive a raffle ticket for every donated herb plant. What is an herb? According to Merriam Webster, it’s a “plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities.”
Point Defiance Park is on the northern tip of Tacoma. Use the entrance on North Pearl Street and find parking in the long strip of spaces on the right. If you have trouble, keep to the left and circle around back to the entrance to see all available parking. The herb garden is just to the east of the fenced rose garden. Visit the Facebook event for details and maps. Or contact me.
I will be there from 11AM to 3PM. I suggest you choose a 15-30 minute block and come/leave whenever you like. We will be social distancing, wearing masks, and keeping group numbers low. At 3PM I will contact winners of the raffle and do porch-drop delivery of prizes.